Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mitt Romney, a good president?

Do I think Mitt Romney would make a good president? The answer is no I do not. He is the  rich, obiviously by his off-shore bank accounts and such. Also refusing to publicly show his taxes to the people, so I conclude he is for the rich. Also he is similar in thinking to George Bush and look where Bush led us. He just seems sketchy to me. Evertime I see him he just looks like a fraud or someone who is dishonest. He says he will turn this country around but has not yet said really what he plans to do. I think that is why he is as popular as he is. He plays the blame game on Obama saying how bad Obama is and saying how everything he does is wrong but doesn't counter back with his plan. So that again shows to me he is a shaddy guy. He wasnts a strong military, so that shows me he is planning on attacking other countries and starting wars that aren't needed. He says he won't raise taxes on the middle class but how does he expect to get any money, the poor obiviously don't have and of course he isn't going to tax all his rich buddies. I don't think Obama should get re-elected either, he is better than Romney I think but still doesn't have a good solid plan to turn the economy around yet. I do like his Energy plans and such though and tax the wealthy. So much more to this rant but it could go on forever. So these are a few reasons I do not think either president should get re-elected. Especially not Romney.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Skylar,

    I agree with you in the fact that both Obama and Romney have flaws. Both presidental candidates are not perfect, and need to get better. If Romney gets elected,the middle class will be heavily taxed. This would lead to a worse economy. And if Obama gets reelected, he would have the same principles. Although I do agree with you that Romney is rich, I disagree with you in that he will go to war. I personally beleive that Romney will just try and keep our country stable, by not doing anything out of his way.

